Update v7.2

Helloooooooo everybody

I've been taking the last few days off to finish up some school stuff  before the end of the semester, but no worries, soon i'll be done with this and i can continue on making games for y'all.

New Stuff:

  • Added a graphics card item
  • Reflections!
  • Cart rotation in customization menu
  • Outside world that you can see through windows (though its still pretty barebones, atleast it's not a flat plane anymore)
  • Code optimizations

Bug fixes:

  • Hitting space after closing the pause menu no longer restarts or exits the game

That's it for today, thank you all for following along and cya all next time!


SHOPPINGv7.2.zip 33 MB
Dec 17, 2020


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cool dude! thanks a lot for adding my suggestion into there it means a lot!